Thursday, December 29, 2011
Not Again
Nothing gets my blood pressure up like rumors of yet another Chanel price increase. I was excited to find this site that updates the prices of Chanel bags in different countries since the website does nothing of the sort. The only upside of the price increase is that it makes me feel better about what I paid for my bag last April. I have been wanting this bag for over six years now. I want to buy it so badly, and I only have one day left. Bag or vacation? Please, God, let me be strong and save for vacation.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
A Classic
After Christmas I checked out a new (to me) boutique in Atlanta, Ann Mashburn. It was cozy and colorful and right up my alley. I got this.
I can't wait to wear it over short shorts and a tank top on summer nights. The XS is still ridiculously huge so I think it looks best paired with something super tight or super short. In order to hold myself accountable to my resolution that no less than 25% of my clothing purchases be made in America and/or vintage, I am going blog about where every single item of clothing I buy was made. Hopefully I will get so tired of it that I will just stop buying clothes altogether. Not! I made four additional clothing purchases while down south for Christmas: (1) vintage Seven for all Mankind jeans (made in Mexico), (2) vintage Citizen of Humanity jeans (made in USA, but with imported denim), (3) vintage James denim skirt (made in USA), and a (4) green t-shirt from Anthropologie (made in USA). That's 60% vintage, 60% made in the USA. So far so good.
Saint James Minquier (Made in France)

Head Start and More Dresses
I'm proud to say that I can scratch #17 off my list of resolutions for 2012 as my Mom taught me how to hem pants over Christmas. The first leg of my yoga pants are not so hot but the second leg looks pretty good if I do say so myself. I might just become a hemming fool and make all my longish dresses a little shorter. Furthermore, I purchased 5 articles of clothing while in Georgia and three of those items were vintage. I was also fortunate enough to receive several beautiful presents this year, but here are a couple of my favorites.
Lilly Pulitzer Blayney Ruffle in "It's a Lilly" pattern
The Blayney is my favorite style of Lilly Pullitzer dress because it is appropriate for work, dates, church, and most other occasions. It's super comfortable and has pockets. This is my third one.
Lilly Pulitzer "Taylor Engineered" Cameo
This doesn't look like a typical Lilly dress to me but the fit is pretty great and it's nice to have something different. I now have a clothing rack in my room devoted just to my favorite dresses. It's 50% Lilly, 35% Kate Spade, and 15% random mix of other mostly colorful designers. I only picked out about one-fifth of those dresses!
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Since I've had my blog I've been pretty good about keeping my resolutions. I guess once I tell the internet world then I have to do it. So my 2012 goals will be far more ambitious than the last few years. This year the new places I visited included Newport, RI, Montreal, Atlantic City, and Bethlehem, PA. Not too shabby, but I think I can do better next year. Maybe a new state and a country on another continent. Here goes . . .
1. Make at least 25% of my clothing purchases vintage and/or "made in America"
2. Visit a new American city
3. Visit a new foreign country
4. See Book of Mormon on Broadway
5. Pay off 20% of the principal balance of my student loans. This one will make #s 2 and 3 difficult.
6. Get item #4 from my fashion bucket list
7. Do one of the following: sky diving, heli-skiing, white water rafting, hang gliding, or ziplining
8. Maintain my weight. I've done it for two years now so I'm feeling pretty confident
9. Do NOT buy more than two pair of Kate Spade Karolinas. I just bought the camel ones and that makes eleven. I don't care if they come out with 20 new to die for colors. I will not get more than two pair.
10. Attend a professional football game
11. Go skinny dipping
12. Get great seats for a concert of one of my favorite artists
13. Read this book I bought months ago about Esther that's supposed to be a really good Bible study
14. Attend a show at the Metropolitan Opera House
15. Help at least two kids improve their reading
16. Try Peruvian food just cause I never have
17. Learn how to hem my own pants
18. Explore a secret part of New York City
19. Go see the Frick Collection
20. Stop doing things I don't really want to do just to make other people happy.
1. Make at least 25% of my clothing purchases vintage and/or "made in America"
2. Visit a new American city
3. Visit a new foreign country
4. See Book of Mormon on Broadway
5. Pay off 20% of the principal balance of my student loans. This one will make #s 2 and 3 difficult.
6. Get item #4 from my fashion bucket list
7. Do one of the following: sky diving, heli-skiing, white water rafting, hang gliding, or ziplining
8. Maintain my weight. I've done it for two years now so I'm feeling pretty confident
9. Do NOT buy more than two pair of Kate Spade Karolinas. I just bought the camel ones and that makes eleven. I don't care if they come out with 20 new to die for colors. I will not get more than two pair.
10. Attend a professional football game
11. Go skinny dipping
12. Get great seats for a concert of one of my favorite artists
13. Read this book I bought months ago about Esther that's supposed to be a really good Bible study
14. Attend a show at the Metropolitan Opera House
15. Help at least two kids improve their reading
16. Try Peruvian food just cause I never have
17. Learn how to hem my own pants
18. Explore a secret part of New York City
19. Go see the Frick Collection
20. Stop doing things I don't really want to do just to make other people happy.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Perfect Ten
Kate Spade Karolina in Ostrich
I've been really good about not shopping lately with Christmas coming up and all, but I couldn't resist adding another pair of Karolinas to my collection. I just received these and another pair is coming soon. That pair will make it eleven, so I've been starting to ask myself whether I can have too much of a good thing. I still want so many more. I'm so greedy.
Green Grass
Multi Glitter
Satin Starlight in Brown
Monday, December 5, 2011
Oops They Did It Again
Guess I'm still in Britney mode. Every time I think I'm over my Kate Spade addiction, they come out with another dress for me to obsess over.
Kate Spade Bailey
Friday, December 2, 2011
Happy Birthday Britney
I have been an unabashed Britney fan for thirteen years now. In honor of her 30th birthday, here are my favorite songs/performances.
10. Sometimes
9. If You Seek Amy
What U See Is What U Get
I'm A Slave 4 U
5. Break the Ice
4. Oops I Did It Again
3. Til the World Ends
2. You Drive me Crazy (the stop remix!)
1. What It's Like To Be Me feat Justin Timberlake
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
The Cat's Meow
Last night at an Upright Citizen's Brigade show I learned a very disturbing piece of trivia. There are many old people who live alone in the city with their cat(s) or dog(s). When they die, it might be several days before anyone discovers they have passed. While dogs will wait roughly six days to start chowing down on their deceased owners, cats start in after just one day. And they start by eating the face! I may have to rethink this living alone thing that I love. The idea of getting a cat has been permanently shelved.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Colorful Friday
I finally got a chance to check out C. Wonder today and I loved it. I want everything there from the striped tops to this green and navy tweed jacket. I also want every single thing at Kate Spade! Today Kate Spade was offering a free ride to anywhere in the city so L and I took a short ride to Louis Vuitton.
We should have taken it to the Doughnut Plant because that was a long walk.
We should have taken it to the Doughnut Plant because that was a long walk.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Private Manhattan
My office is located in the Chanin Building across the street from Grand Cental Station and caddy corner to the Chrysler building. It's a busy commute and the incessant droves of people don't seem to let up even when I reach my floor. The constant barrage of coworkers in the kitchen and break room leave me without a single moment of peace. Despite my desire to live south of 14th street, on hectic days it's a pleasure to return to my peaceful block on the edge of the Upper East Side.
So many parts of Manhattan are so trampled upon that I often find myself desirous of a special nook to call my own. I envy Washington Mews, Sniffen Court, and Pomander Walk dwellers. In the past I've always said I'd like a Classic 6 where the doorman sends you straight up so you don't need a key. Truthfully, I never adapted to my last doorman building and the lack of privacy it entailed. Give me a key to Gramercy Park or a gated street and I'll never complain again. Or at least, not as much.
So many parts of Manhattan are so trampled upon that I often find myself desirous of a special nook to call my own. I envy Washington Mews, Sniffen Court, and Pomander Walk dwellers. In the past I've always said I'd like a Classic 6 where the doorman sends you straight up so you don't need a key. Truthfully, I never adapted to my last doorman building and the lack of privacy it entailed. Give me a key to Gramercy Park or a gated street and I'll never complain again. Or at least, not as much.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Taking it Back
I really can't buy anything new for a while so I made my dad send me my classic bass bucks. They've been sitting in my room since high school collecting dust. When he asked me if he should throw them out I replied with an emphatic No! I can dust these suckers off and wear them now. I had these shoes in every size from first grade until my feet stopped growing. I will always love them.
Monday, October 31, 2011
What I Did This Weekend
This weekend was nasty outside and I didn't make plans for Halloween so it was the perfect time to use my movie coupons. J and I went to see the Ides of March starring Ryan Gosling, of Mickey Mouse Club fame, and George Clooney. Has anyone else seen that video of Ryan breaking up a fight at Astor Place? He's just hot. J and I talked for hours after the movie. We were sitting on a bench outside the theater chatting when she thought she noticed Chris Rock entering the bathroom. J has an eagle eye when it comes to celebrity sightings. Despite his attempt at being stealth, he knew we'd spotted him as he walked toward the exit, and returned my huge smile with an even bigger one. It sure beat the death stare I once got from Matthew Broderick.
I also watched the Kim Kardashian wedding yesterday, only to find out she filed for divorce today. I wonder if she made money or lost money on the production.
I also watched the Kim Kardashian wedding yesterday, only to find out she filed for divorce today. I wonder if she made money or lost money on the production.
Friday, October 28, 2011
The More Things You Will Know
It's almost November and I'm not sure I've finished a single book given to me last Christmas. I've started a few. Just in time for a snowy weekend in the city I've decided to take some time to rectify this situation. I would like to have read 10 books this year. I know that avid readers will consider this cheating, but I am going to help myself reach this goal by listening to unabridged books on tape. I finished The Hobbit the other day and I'm already on chapter 6 of the The Scarlet Letter. My sister is the bibliophile in the family and I've always begged her to read to me because I love to hear them. I'm just not a fan of the reading part.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Can't Let Go
Here are just five of the many skirts I've continued to rock since my middle school days. I'm so proud that they've stood the test of time. Fortunately, plaid, pleats, and argyle never go out of style.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
You Can Never Have Too Many
Dresses. Especially if they're Kate Spade. My generous sister sent me these in the mail. I've already worn this one to work.
Kate Spade New York Amy
Kate Spade Fiona Leaf-Print Wrap Dress
The Fiona will be a bit of a challenge. Unlike this model, who must be 5'11", this dress comes halfway down my calf.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Last week was likely the last warm weekend in the city this year so I took the opportunity to wear the Kate Spade Floral Wynne and debut my new Hermes scarf. I wanted so badly to wear the scarf as a headband, but alas my head is just too small. I have so many talents and they are all academic. There is not one creative bone in this body so I am going to have to study some youtube videos if I really want to get my money's worth out of this scarf.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Thursday, October 13, 2011
The biggest thing holding me back right now is my neglect in conquering my fears. If I had greater confidence in certain areas I think my life would be so much more fun and full of adventure. One of my biggest fears is driving. I only drove for one year before starting college and since then I have driven only on occasion and only out of necessity. Overcoming this fear would inspire me to visit more places without public transportation and allow me to be a better road trip partner. Why do I feel like I am writing a college essay right now?
Another one of my fears is homelessness. I've had to move so many times in my life when I was unprepared to do so. I've lost most of my keepsakes, my baby book, and letters from high school boyfriends/friends during moves. In the last 3 years I have moved eight times. Every time, friends and/or movers have flaked out and I have had to do almost everything on my own. I have had a recurring dream for a couple of years now of being in an alley between two trash bins. I'm sitting on the ground wearing a trash bag and it's raining. Mostly, I blame this fear on my decision to attend law school in 2006. Had I forseen that by 2011 the legal profession would be the #1 worst profession for obtaining a job I would not have mortgaged my future. I am in constant fear of losing my job and becoming homeless. So instead of traveling, I put money in my emergency fund.
My biggest fear is that I will spend my whole life never being loved the way I have loved others. When I broke up with my boyfriend over two years ago, my friend J said "Oh you'll find someone. You have so much love." No one had ever said that to me before, but I realize now that my capacity to love other people is boundless. I have loved so many people unconditionally in my life and continue to do so despite all the heartache and pain they have inflicted upon me. I have forgiven the most heinous of betrayals and continued to love. The love I've received is fleeting whereas my love lasts a lifetime. When I look at myself in the mirror I see a princess, but other people see a frog. I'm terrified that only God will ever see the value of my virtue and that no one but God will ever truly love me. I can practice driving and I can pay down my law school debt, but I have no clue how to conquer this one.
Another one of my fears is homelessness. I've had to move so many times in my life when I was unprepared to do so. I've lost most of my keepsakes, my baby book, and letters from high school boyfriends/friends during moves. In the last 3 years I have moved eight times. Every time, friends and/or movers have flaked out and I have had to do almost everything on my own. I have had a recurring dream for a couple of years now of being in an alley between two trash bins. I'm sitting on the ground wearing a trash bag and it's raining. Mostly, I blame this fear on my decision to attend law school in 2006. Had I forseen that by 2011 the legal profession would be the #1 worst profession for obtaining a job I would not have mortgaged my future. I am in constant fear of losing my job and becoming homeless. So instead of traveling, I put money in my emergency fund.
My biggest fear is that I will spend my whole life never being loved the way I have loved others. When I broke up with my boyfriend over two years ago, my friend J said "Oh you'll find someone. You have so much love." No one had ever said that to me before, but I realize now that my capacity to love other people is boundless. I have loved so many people unconditionally in my life and continue to do so despite all the heartache and pain they have inflicted upon me. I have forgiven the most heinous of betrayals and continued to love. The love I've received is fleeting whereas my love lasts a lifetime. When I look at myself in the mirror I see a princess, but other people see a frog. I'm terrified that only God will ever see the value of my virtue and that no one but God will ever truly love me. I can practice driving and I can pay down my law school debt, but I have no clue how to conquer this one.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Story of My Life Right Now
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.' We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we're liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others." Marianne Williamson
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
What I Did Today
- work
- went to a taping of the Daily Show with Jon Stewart (guest Hugh Jackman!)
- ran 1.5 miles
- read the October issue of Seventeen magazine
- watched 90210 and the X Factor while doing some yoga
- ate a lot of lot of chocolate my dad brought me from Belgium
- I also watched Suburgatory because my sister informed that Ana Gasteyer was wearing my new dress. I will be wearing it this weekend.
Today was a good day.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Sweets for the Sweet
With my sister is in town I decided to try out a couple new bakeries in the city. First we tried the Donut Plant on the Lower East Side. The creme brulee donut was one of the best things I've ever tasted it and my sister seemed to like it even more than I did. I also recommend the tres leches. LES is really the best place for desserts in this world.
The next day we went to Billy's Bakery on Franklin Street in Tribeca, right down the street from Mariah Carey's apartment. My pink cupcake with butter cream icing was bleh. I would rank pretty far down on my list of cupcake places. My sister got the seasonal pumpkin cupcake with cream cheese frosting. It was delicious. It wasn't too sweet and the cake part tasted more like a spice cake than too overly pumpkin. I wish everyone could taste it all over the world so everyone could experience that happiness that I did in that moment.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Something New
I've been scouring websites for inexpensive items to fill out my wardrobe and yesterday I bought this skirt for 17.98 at H&M.
All the advice about investing in coats, bags, and shoes while spending less on clothes is finally starting to sink in. Nevertheless my sister spotted this super cute coat and now I'm thinking that a couple inexpensive coats and jackets might be acceptable.
All the advice about investing in coats, bags, and shoes while spending less on clothes is finally starting to sink in. Nevertheless my sister spotted this super cute coat and now I'm thinking that a couple inexpensive coats and jackets might be acceptable.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Fashion Bucket List
So when I told my friend B about the list of classic items I've wanted for years, this guy referred to it as a fashion bucket list. I guess you can call it that. Now I can check off #3 of ten. Shopping with no regrets is a high like no other.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
What I Wore Today
kate spade cafe melody dress, tory burch flats, sweater from ross
My black satin karolinas are in the dust bag behind me and you can't see my Chanel m/l classic flap bag which I finally got around to photographing. My camera phone really doesn't do it justice. After 3.5 months of owning this bag I am pleased to say that I have not seen anyone else with this bag (and I live in the east 60s on the Upper East Side!).
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Jackie O
I just finished watching Jacqueline Kennedy: In Her Own Words and I found her to be so inspiring. I think I got my love for pearls, sunglasses, and jack rogers from watching her. Her patriotism, loyalty, and love for reading struck me even more than her style. She revitalized the White House and worked to procure items of historical importance. She spoke several languages, and educated herself about current events. Sometimes I get so frustrated with women. It seems the more attractive and well groomed the lady, the more vacuous I find her to be. It's so refreshing to see an example of a woman with great style who didn't abandon attention to her character and intellect in order to achieve it. She told Ms. Magazine "It's sad, so many women of [her] generation were never encouraged to use the full power of their minds." Sadly, I can say the same for mine.
Friday, September 9, 2011
Coming this Fall
It's no secret that I am a girl's girl. Here are the new shows I'm excited about for fall and all of them star talented ladies I love to root for. I'm ready to set my DVR!
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Staying in Touch
I've lost touch with most of my friends in the past couple of years. It's really hard to want to call people and keep in touch when there is nothing new to say. People keep getting new jobs, getting engaged, getting pregnant . . . and nothing's happened here. In the past two years I've grown spiritually and I've become healthier than ever but no one cares about that. What's really scary is that I've gone from being super extroverted to spending a lot of time by myself. What does that mean? I might as well move to the country.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
For some time I have been lamenting the fact that I have no hobbies. All I ever really did was school because my parents "couldn't afford" to put me in gymnastics or ballet. I'm also a quitter. I tried to learn how to crochet and knit. I've played piano, flute, and the recorder. None of it really went anywhere. However I do have interests.
• Days of Our Lives – With the exception of my college years, I have been an avid viewer since 1993. I have watched as many old episodes as I can pull up on youtube including the first four that aired in 1965.
• Mysteries – I have always loved Nancy Drew, Agatha Christie, Sherlock Holmes and any Christian mystery series I can find. My favorite board game is Clue. My dream is to one day go on a full blown murder mystery weekend.
• Admissions standards – There isn’t a good college in America that I don’t know all about. I started my college search in the 7th grade. In 10th grade I filled a large filing cabinet with all the brochures I received from schools around the country that liked my PSAT score. My obsession has now extended to private prep schools in Manhattan.
• The Bible – I have read the KJV, NIV, and New Revised Standard Version. I plan to make my way through The Message soon. I don’t know what my parents did but by the age of 3 I knew all the answers to the hundreds of questions from a board game called “From Egypt to Canaan.” Bible has been my favorite subject from elementary school through the present. It is by far my most expert subject.
When people inevitably ask me what I like to do for fun, I don't have much to say other than that I watch an obscene amount of television. But, I do have my interests and that will just have to be enough.
• Days of Our Lives – With the exception of my college years, I have been an avid viewer since 1993. I have watched as many old episodes as I can pull up on youtube including the first four that aired in 1965.
• Mysteries – I have always loved Nancy Drew, Agatha Christie, Sherlock Holmes and any Christian mystery series I can find. My favorite board game is Clue. My dream is to one day go on a full blown murder mystery weekend.
• Admissions standards – There isn’t a good college in America that I don’t know all about. I started my college search in the 7th grade. In 10th grade I filled a large filing cabinet with all the brochures I received from schools around the country that liked my PSAT score. My obsession has now extended to private prep schools in Manhattan.
• The Bible – I have read the KJV, NIV, and New Revised Standard Version. I plan to make my way through The Message soon. I don’t know what my parents did but by the age of 3 I knew all the answers to the hundreds of questions from a board game called “From Egypt to Canaan.” Bible has been my favorite subject from elementary school through the present. It is by far my most expert subject.
When people inevitably ask me what I like to do for fun, I don't have much to say other than that I watch an obscene amount of television. But, I do have my interests and that will just have to be enough.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
It's Not Right But It's Okay
My friend J and I went to Holey Cream this week and had donut ice cream sandwiches. I had never heard of such a thing, but as a lover of all things sweet I nearly lost my mind when I saw it offered. They sliced a glazed donut in half. On the bottom half I had a scoop of mint chip, red velvet, and belgian dark chocolate ice cream. Then they dipped the top half in strawberry frosting. Then they told me I could have unlimited toppings and I just went buck wild. I had andes mints, chocolate chips, oreos, and all manner of other nonsense on top of my sandwich. Here is mine. The one on the bottom is J's. I was so jealous of her's because I didn't see the gummy bears!
Thursday, August 11, 2011
A Penny Saved
Friday, August 5, 2011
Parlez-Vous Anglais?
Montreal is beautiful. If I had to live outside of America, it would be top on my list. I had so many new experiences there and found the people to be lovely. I had many firsts including:
(1) going to Canada
(2) gambling (I lost $4 CAD)
(3) paddle boating (at Mont Royal but I dunno if that's really what it's called)
(4) tasting French macaroons (They are delicious!)
So I've kept my weight off for going on two years now. I traveled to Newport and Canada. I've actually paid off 18% of my law school loans and it's only August! So there is only one thing left to justify my chanel bag.
(1) going to Canada
(2) gambling (I lost $4 CAD)
(3) paddle boating (at Mont Royal but I dunno if that's really what it's called)
(4) tasting French macaroons (They are delicious!)
So I've kept my weight off for going on two years now. I traveled to Newport and Canada. I've actually paid off 18% of my law school loans and it's only August! So there is only one thing left to justify my chanel bag.
Friday, July 29, 2011
Number Nine

I think I have a problem. These babies came in the mail yesterday. I realize that since I moved into my place last September, I have purchased 5 or 6 of these bad boys. I haven't been on a week long vacation to a foreign country in three years. People keep getting married and having babies and birthdays and they all require gifts. Kate Spade keeps making Karolinas in new colors that I have to have and new dresses that I absolutely cannot possibly live without. In fact, I just purchased another one today. Don't even get me started on Chanel.
During law school there was a 6 month period when I just didn't buy any clothes. I think I may just have to resurrect that lifestyle. It's so embarassing to be turning 30 soon and to not have been anywhere. I will be going to Montreal this weekend. So that's a start.
Monday, July 25, 2011
What I Did This Weekend
I did absolutely nothing this weekend and it was fabulous. My Saturday night was spent chatting on the phone with my sister and watching the last episode of the Voice. Of course I could only really enjoy it because the past couple of weeks have been so hectic. I did manage to do a few loads of laundry, watch Friends With Benefits with my dear friend J, and pick up this beauty at the Lilly store on Madison.
Friday, July 15, 2011
The Look For Less
Last night I went to see "Baby It's You" on Broadway and I was inspired by the 50s style clothing the women wore. I have a vision:
But, with all my recent purchases, it wouldn't be prudent to buy exactly what I want. This is what I really want.
Fresh Bouquet Dress
Forever 21 has this dress for $17.80.
But, with all my recent purchases, it wouldn't be prudent to buy exactly what I want. This is what I really want.
Unfortunately it's $495. ModCloth has this dress for 69.99.

Forever 21 has this dress for $17.80.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Big Homes in the Smallest State
Last weekend I was supposed to go to Nantucket, but ended up in Newport, RI instead. It's a beautiful New England town that I'd never visited. While there we went to see the famous Vanderbilt mansion, Breakers. It was enormous and exquisite. I once lived in a house with over 20 rooms. It could not compare to this place with it's intricate design features and construction. We couldn't take pictures inside these places so I just got images from google. They are bad. I am lazy.
We also went to Rosecliff. I was particularly excited because the Robert Redford version of The Great Gatsby was filmed there. I actually preferred it to Breakers.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
How Rude
My coworker just came and sat down at a computer nearby. She is popping her gum incessantly. Earlier today she was loudly chewing cheetos with her mouth open. I try not to let all the loud slurping and teeth sucking at work bother me, but it's simply more than I can bare. People can behave however they prefer when in the privacy of their own offices, but while we are working in this small space, I would really appreciate if these people would have the decency to eat quietly. Lately, I've been wanting to bring a copy of Emily Post's Etiquette into work. It's pretty big so I figure I can knock people out with it when they start being impolite.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Who Says NYU Isn't Preppy?
Not Brooks Brothers, which is going to produce college sweaters and polos for 15 schools including NYU. Sign me up. I love to rep my alma mater!
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
What I Had For Lunch Today

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

P.S. I am wearing my Blayney Ruffle Dress in Multi Curves for National Wear Your Lilly Day
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