Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Oh Shift! Lilly Makes Me Silly

I have gone absolutely bonkers today over the Lilly Pulitzer Sale.  So far I have successfully ordered two dresses, including the one above.  The site was down all day and they were stringing me along on facebook like I'm some desperate girl with no other clothing options.  I don't even have any plans or occasion to wear this dress but after the site being down all day long, I feel like a winner for being able to finally give Lilly my money and have them mail me this dress in return.  I guess I can't judge those people who wait outside Apple to drop $500+ on whatever the latest gadget may be.  Although I did make my purchase from the convenience of my office so I could still judge.  Now I'm off to impatiently hit F5 a thousand more times until Lilly lets me give them more of my money. 


midwest miss said...

I bought a dress too! It was the first time I've been able to buy what I really wanted though I had to keep reloading over and over. Also, how funny are the comments on Facebook?!

Katherine said...

I had no idea LP was having a sale, thank you for the heads up! I love this dress. Is the sale on their site?

preppylawyer said...

Katherine - Thanks! I love it too. The sale goes through tomorrow on their website.

Midwestern Miss - Those comments were kept me very entertained during the work day.