I made my mom's mashed potato spinach casserole and my grandma's Mennonite cheese pie and took a dinner roast as my contributions to Thanksgiving this year. I was so excited for macaroni & cheese, stuffing, pumpkin cheese cake, apple pie, etc. Last year I was in Cancun for Thanksgiving, so it was fantastic to be back in America having the most All-American Thanksgiving you could imagine. Watching the parade on TV while baking. Sitting down for the game after stuffing my face. What could be better? Plus I'm 1/8th Native American, so I could enjoy my day guilt free.
I didn't spend Black Friday shopping this year. Instead I spent my weekend seeing the movie Precious which features Mariah Carey looking like this: After that I made my Broadway Debut in: They let us get up on stage at the end which was an amazing feeling. I loved looking out into the crowd while dancing to and singing Let the Sun Shine In from the stage.
I also saw: It was hilarious! I highly recommend this movie.
I gave my first tour of the financial district. Then took my picture outside the Cosby Show house. It only took 9 years to find it. And to top it all off I went to see the Radio City Christmas Spectacular. If you don't spend the holidays in the city you are really missing out on something special.
I have been looking for a wallet with slots for cards on both sides for a long time. Apparently people still write checks because most large wallets I happen upon have one side for cards and one side for a checkbook. Well I recently stumbled across this beauty. It's the Big Apple Stacy! The wallet is also available in purple, black, red, pink, and orange. But as usual, green is my choice. I love green. It looks sleek with the buttons on the inside. I'm also coming around to patent leather.
A great thing happened to me today. So yesterday I lamented that I had no way of finding the attorney who supervised me at Legal Aid two summers ago. Well it turns out that the attorney who replaced her was a coworker of mine last summer in the tax clinic. That was fabulous news because she is a super nice girl and she told me she would get my affidavit all filled out. Yes!
In other news, I've lost about 25 pounds in the past 3 months and am feeling less busty. None of my bras fit, but when I went to Victoria's Secret for a sizing they said I'm still the same size I've been since I was like 13. They gave me a bra box which I'd never seen before. It's a box filled with every bra VS has in your size. I tried on about 10 and only two fit well, but it was such an efficient process. Whoever came up with that idea is a pragmatic genius. I highly recommend it. My favorites were the Secret Embrace and the Plunge. Is this TMI? Then stop reading now. I went swimming today. I put on my new bathing suit, looked in the mirror and thought. Wow. My next bf is going to be so lucky. I have a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving.
I think I have to come to grips with the fact that I will not be admitted to the NY Bar anytime in the near future. I know I shouldn't complain because I have a terminal degree and passed the bar which means I will never have to study for anything school related again. But ugh. Apparently a former supervisor of mine left her job and is now no where to be found. I cannot find an email, phone number, or address for her. She and 3 of my other former supervisors are standing in the way of me being admitted as an attorney in the great state of NY. The judge I clerked for my 1L summer claims to have put his affidavit in the mail, but it's been a few days and I have yet to receive anything. I don't really blame them. No one wants to do paper work. I blame the crazy people who are making me jump through all these hoops. Yuck.
If I ever have a job with decent medical benefits again I will never give it up. C'mon Mr. O, where is the free health care? Where is the change I can believe in? Things look much more bleak to me this November than they did last November. I never would have imagined that was even possible as I was facing 3-30 page papers and 2 law exams this time last year. We're still at war. There are less jobs. My confidence is not inspired.
This is all to say that it really sucks to have to depend on other people. But on a lighter not, I am so excited for Gossip Girl tonight.
I love Lilly and Vineyard Vines but I could live on Kate Spade alone. It's so chic and colorful and urban. I always feel sophisticated in Kate Spade. I especially love all the yellow for winter. It makes for sunshine all year round
I really like Eastwick but apparently it's getting canceled. Rebecca Romaijn just can't catch a break. This is going to sound weird, but I actually love witches so much that I wish I were one. I would love to wiggle my nose and fix tricky situations. It'd also be cool if I could lightly shock people every time they tick me off. I know Halloween is over but here are some of my favorite witches anyway.