Rome was fantastic. I tried not to be a fashion disaster. I rocked such classics as the classic trench (banana cause i can't afford burberry)

j crew summer dress

but as usual there were the total misses:
Shooting for Blair Waldorf, ending up Lauren Conrad, ugh

It's a process. But since I have been back my vacation I am already improving. The following are already in my closet or on the way. I have been eyeing this hoodie for months and I sincerely hope no one I know has the gaul to get it because it's MINE!
and there's this
Kate Spade had the best sample sale this week. I feel so lucky. This green bag isn't the one I orginally wanted but it is perfect for me.
My roomate informed that it's ok to get diaper bags, so I did. I think she has the same one. It's perfect for interviews.
Maybe I will get back in the blogging mood now.

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