Friday, September 18, 2015

Pink is the New Black

My sweet husband got me this little beauty for no reason.  I just came home from work the other day and there it was.  It's so small and lightweight and pink.  It's like having a tablet with a keyboard which is perfect for me because I'm not that into the touch screen on my ipad.  I basically just use it as a e-reader.  Now I just need to take the photos etc off my old laptop and take it to best buy for recycling.  I will be taking some time off from work soon and plan to do some nesting while I wait.  Between buying last minute baby things, getting rid of excess baggage, hauling stuff to good will, lots of laundry, and packing our hospital bags, I think I should be plenty busy.  I imagine my new pink laptop will be high on the hospital bag list.  

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