Monday, June 22, 2020

A Woman's Right to Shoes

Living in NYC taught me the necessity of proper footwear for achieving one's best life. I never owned rain boots before moving there and now I don't understand how I survived without them. Taking a car does help but second rate cities and suburbs are not immune to puddles. I've decided to take the Finnish approach to raising children. According to the Finnish, outside play is so important that there is no inappropriate weather for play, but instead lack of appropriate attire. This philosophy is getting expensive since I have two toddlers. Nevertheless, it's totally worth the money to keep their feet warm, dry, etc no matter the weather or activity. I've curated a list of the eight shoes my little girl needs at all times so she's ready for anything. Fortunately friends and family have been generous with hand-me-downs for my daughter so I don't have to buy every pair in every size.

(1) Natives - I discovered these awesome shoes with my son. They're comfortable enough to run and jump and play but also double as water shoes because they dry so quickly. 
(2) Mary Janes - I prefer to have these in red so they can be worn at Christmas time.

(3) Ballet flats - These can still be Mary Janes but I try to get them in a neutral color like tan or gold so that she can wear them with anything.

(4) Sneakers - Every day sneakers for the cold fall and winter months are a must.

(5) Rain boots - I prefer Hunter, but we've gotten lots of different brands.
(6) Uggs - I know they keep my feet cozier than anything else so I consider them a necessity.
(7) Snow boots - My daughter's only experience with snow was a tiny bit last October in Denver so she really hasn't needed them but you never know when Atlanta will have a fluke snow storm. My 4 year old has lived through two.

(8) Flip Flops - Just in case we're heading to the pool or beach and don't want to take the Natives.

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