In March, C and I were fortunate enough to score front row tickets to see The King and I on Broadway. I had never been to Lincoln Center's Vivian Beaumont theater and it was a real treat. The stage moves out over top of the orchestra and there is plenty of time before that happens to watch and enjoy the musicians. I think the live orchestra is one of the biggest reasons I enjoy seeing these musicals so much. The kids in the show were super cute and after visiting Thailand, this was even more fun to go see. I had never seen Kelli O'Hara in anything before. She was a great fit for the part of Anna.

Last week I my friend J took me to see Finding Neverland. I don't know how I am so blessed to have all these wonderful friends who take me to see shows but I will never get tired of it. I enjoyed the show immensely. I didn't know the story because I'd never seen the movie, so I was excited to see it all unfold and it reminded me of Saving Mr. Banks, the story about how Mary Poppins came to be. The story lent itself well to being a musical. Kelsey Grammer was just ok for me but Matthew Morrison was fantastic. His voice soared through the theater and I found his character so much more likable than Mr. Shue.
I would recommend both these shows to people as well as others I have seen lately. Nonetheless, I haven't seen anything in a while that blew me away the way some of the first shows I saw on Broadway did. I feel like Rent, Les Miserable, The Lion King, Aida, Wicked, and Avenue Q were in a different league than the shows I've seen in the last five years. I saw some of those shows three or more times and I can't imagine doing that with any I've seen recently. Were those shows truly on another level or was it my youthful exuberance that caused me to rush out buy soundtracks I could play on an endless loop?