Animated Film: Wall-E
Song: Jai Ho Slumdog Millionaire
Adapted Screenplay: Frost/Nixon
Original Screenplay: Milk
Foreign Film: Waltz with Bashir (granted this is the only one I've saw)
Supporting Actor: Heath Ledger The Dark Knight
runner-up: Josh Brolin Milk
Supporting Actress: Penelope Cruz Vicky Cristina Barcelona
runner-up: Amy Adams Doubt
Actor: Sean Penn Milk & Frank Langella Frost/Nixon (yes this should be a tie)
Actress: Ann Hathaway Rachel Getting Married (For no good reason. I never saw it.)
runner-up: Meryl Streep Doubt
Picture: Slumdog Millionaire
My favorite moment of the night was Sean Penn's acceptance speech. It really touched me and I loved the movie so much. Everyone should go see it.

Benjamin Button & Changeling got very little love. Everything is as it should be.